Thursday, June 25, 2009
Temple Open House
Rainy Family Vacation
Our Annual Swenson Family Vacation was a bit rainy this year. Chris and I went up to East Canyon on Saturday night. When we started heading up there the weather was over cast, but after about 10 minutes it was pouring. We ended up getting up there about 5 p.m. and after about another 15 minutes the rain decided to take a break. We decided to take a walk around the grounds and low and behold Triston found some water to play in. He was the happiest boy in the world. He loves to splash in water. We went over to the miniature golf course that they had, which was underneath a foot of water. It didn't matter to Triston, he just jumped right in, even though it was freezing.
Dancing in the puddles.
We decided it was time to stop after Triston all the sudden sat
We didn't do much, it wasn't the best weather, but we had family dinner and played the board game sorry with my 80 year old grandma. We had a blast I came in second and my Grandma won. We brought movies up for Triston to watch. I was worried about him because he likes water so much. They have a river that runs through the condominiums. On Sunday "Fathers day" the weather was a little better. We say blue skies for most of the day. I took Triston, Shara (niece) and Cash (nephew) to the playground. They had so much fun. On the way over, someone asked if they were triplets. I would kill myself if I had triplets. Triston and Cash are 2 and Shara turned 3 that day. Anyways here are some pictures of the play ground.
My sister was making a Birthday cake for Shara and she had to go to the local store in Morgan to get some icing. So I went with her, we drove around East Canyon Reservoir, it was pretty much full, which I have never seen. It has always been low. It looked really nice. When we got back. We went swimming. Triston had so much fun. He loved jumping off the side to me. He was so happy. We ended up only swimming for an hour then the rain clouds came back. We ended up leaving early because of the rain, and Chris wasn't feeling good the whole time we were there. We had good time for such a short vacation. We better go on another one soon!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Triston's pics
Thanks Kim
Saturday, June 13, 2009
What a Funky Rash!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Turning 30!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
What a relief!
Dad Update
My Dad was diagnoses with:
- Ventricular Tachycardia (fast heart rhythm)
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy (heart becomes weaken and enlarged and cannot pump blood efficiently)
- Atrial Flutter (abnormal heart rhythm)
- Left Atrial Thrombus (blood clot)
- Congestive Heart Failure (the heart can't pump enough blood to the body's other organs)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Happy Birthday Chris!
Chris and I at Market Street Grill Me and the Birthday Boy!
Chris and his giant Crab leg!