On August 8th Chris' work (Jacobson's construction) had a Lagoon day. It was fun. I have never been to Lagoon since I have been married to Chris, so I haven't been there for probably 10 years. It has changed quite a bit. We ended up not getting there until after 12pm, which wasn't bad, we were just really hungry by the time we got there. Chris missed the exit and we had to back track, but we got there safe and sound. We ended up standing in line for food for about 20 minutes, because they have slow teenagers running the food court. It was very annoying. We finally got to ride some of the rides, but we ran into a problem, Triston freaked out every time we put him on a ride. I don't know what his problem was. The only ride he really liked was the car ride, and the train. I thought that he would have fun going on the carousel, but he cried the whole time. I think that he was very tired. He rode the car, Puff the magic Dragon, Odyssey, carousal and the tiki boat. He tried the helicopter, the little boats, the whales with no success. We brought our swimming suits, but it was to cold to swim. Bummer! Chris ended up going on the Bat, Spider and we both went on the Wicked rollercoster. Chris' work had a catered dinner for us, but we were a little disappointed, it was just hamburgers and hot dogs. It wasn't bad, but if I know that it would have been hamburgers I would have got something different for lunch. All in all we had a good time. Maybe next time we will go when he is a little bit older.

Triston and Daddy posing for a picture! Triston cheesing it!

Triston driving his car! He was so excited that he cuted in front of all the other kids.

The family on the Cho Cho Train, Triston wasn't happy that we got on at first,
but he ended up enjoying it.

On the train watching the looking at the animals!

Dad took Triston on Puff the Magic Dragon. He was pretty scared,
but we made him do it anyways.