Turkey Day didn't start off that good. I worked the night before and when I got home I stayed up to look at the ads for black Friday. My father-in-law Richard had other plans for turkey dinner, so he came over Thanksgiving morning and had Thanksgiving breakfast. Triston loves his papa so much. I ended up finally falling asleep at about eleven.
We went over to my older brother Sam's house for turkey dinner. Dinner started at 2pm, but of course I was late because I slept in. Well I missed all the excitement, my sister-in-law Mindy was pulling the turkey out of the oven and some grease spilled in the oven and started a grease fire. My Dad tried to throw water on it which caused it to get bigger, luckily they were able to put it out. It was pretty funny, but I bet it was really scary when it was happening.
It was just my family; my dad, Sam's family, Kate, Shara, my grandma Fumie, Aunt Pam and my Grandpa Roy. It was pretty small gathering, but we had fun. My little brother Alex and his family were not able to come to dinner, but they ended up coming over later. After dinner we went down stairs to watch Four Christmas' movie on Sam's home theater room. It was a pretty relaxing day.

Mindy with her burnt oven. Me and my Family!
My famliy

Me and my cute little family.