Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas Day

On Christmas morning we went over to my brother Sam's house to open presents with my family. Triston wouldn't take off his Buzz Jammies, so we let him wear the all day. He loves his cousins so much he always has fun with them. I was a little snap shot happy on Christmas, because my husband bought me a Cannon Rebel EOS T1i. I was so excited to take pictures. I think that I did a good job, but I will keep practicing.

My true Love!

Cash, Triston and I and Shara.

My family

My Brother Sam put on some music down stairs and the kids went hog wild!

Opening presents was a blast this year. The younger kids really got into it.


We found them laying on the stairs pretending to be sleeping.

We ended up going to my Grandma Swenson's house later on in the afternoon. She was excited to see us. We visited with her for a while and ate some food. I love my grandma. This was the first Christmas with out my Grandpa, so I felt sad for my Grandma.

Later on when we got home from Chris' parents came over. We exchanged gifts and just visited for a while. We were exhausted by the end of the day.

Santa Came

Christmas morning, we had to wake Triston up about 9:30 am. When he finally woke up he noticed the many presents under the tree! He was so excited! He had so much fun taring the wrapping paper and openning the presents. Every present he opened he wanted to get it out of the box and play with it immediately. We had to convince him to keep opening all his other presents. He kept saying "my presents, my presents." I think that this years was the funnest Christmas, because Triston was so excieted and his expressions were priceless!.
He wasn't even afraid of Santa this year.
I tought him to say "Ho Ho Ho merry Kiss-mas."
He was so cute when he said it, and his grin showed his excitment!

Santa brought him:
A Jeep Power Wheel,
Leap Frog My First Computer,
a New Buzz Lightyear gun,
board games, and clothes.
Few pictures of him opening his presents. He tried to
drive his jeep, but he kept running into things.
I hope he learns how to drive and steer soon.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Jammies

So I started a Christmas tradition with Triston opening up a present on Christmas eve. Of Course it was Christmas jammies. Triston had fun opening up the present, but he was more excited when he saw "BUZZ LIGHTYEAR" jammies. He wouldn't take them off on Christmas morning!

Christmas Eve 2009

This year we were up in the air about were we were going to go for Christmas Eve. I tried to leave it up to Chris to decided if we were going to do anything with his family. But I finally made the decision the night before, and my gracious Aunt Collette said that we could still come over. It was nice to see my family. Triston had fun making blocks and staking them up and knocking them down.