Last week Triston started having a hard time breathing, so I took him into the doctors and he was diagnosed with Croup. Poor baby, he was struggling to breath. He was crying and saying that it hurt. It made us feel so sad, we didn't like seeing our baby hurting. He ended up getting steroids on Friday, but by Saturday he still wasn't doing so good. So Chris took him back to the doctors and they ended up epinephrine treatment. With this treatment it could cause Triston's airway to have the opposite affect so they wanted to watch him for 4 hours at the ER. So Chris ended up taking him to Riverton ER, so I meet them there. Here are a few pictures that I took. He still did crappy over the weekend, so we took him in again to the doctors on Monday. Finally he is starting to get better. We can finally get some needed sleep!
Poor kid! He hated this treatment. It didn't last long. If you look closely he is trying to wiggle the mask off by opening his mouth. Chris is holding his arms. By the time I got there Triston was very anxious so I ended up holding him to finish the treatment.
They ended up having to wrap the pulse ox to his foot so he wouldn't pull it off.
It is funny how happier when he can breath!
Triston always feels better in Mommy's arms!
Feeling better all ready.
Triston always feels better after a sucker!
He was getting restless so we found some toys to play with.
He loved this bead toy for some reason.
Triston got so antsy that he found his own toy to play with. He pretended that this stool was a car and was driving it up and down the halls of the ER. It wasn't too busy so I let him do it. He looked so happy.
He is going, going..........
what a rough weekend! i am glad your little guy is doing better.
I'm sorry he wasn't feeling very well I hate it when kids are sick!
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