After Monsters Inc ride we walked out and found a few Disney characters; Mr Incredible and no other then Woody! Katie and I were so excited, but the kids were pretty shy.
We ate lunch then decided to go and watch the live Aladdin Musical spectacular show. We walked around the theater and waited in line, but Triston had another objective. There was a group of people that were eating McDonald, waiting for the show to start and Triston took it upon himself to make himself comfortable and sit down with them and help them eat their fries. He just started talking and sat down by them. They thought he was so cute that they made the biggest mistake, they offered him some French fries. He loves McDonald's fries! The at first gave him a couple and then they gave him a bag with them in it and Triston decided that they were his now. He stole a whole bag of French fries from them. They were really nice to let him do that. He was so happy after that. He was glowing! The show was awesome! The genie was so funny, they had a lot of special affects. Triston fell asleep at the beginning, I guess it better than him being noisy.
After the show we had a little incident with Katelyn's phone, so one we found it we decided to go ride some more rides. We went and snapped some photo's with Lightning McQueen and Mater.
We ended up going to the Redwood Creek Challange trail. The Kids had so much fun running and playing. We stayed there for a while, when we were leaving we saw Kenai and Koda from the Disney movie Brother Bear. Triston was a little afraid, but they were so cute.

After Bugs Life we had dinner and then decided to go over to Toy Story Mainia! It was a long ride, but it went pretty fast. We got our 3D glasses and were ready to play some arcades. Triston did pretty well for a 3 year old. Shara did even better. The only problem was that I didn't put Triston's restrain on tight enough and he kept banging his head every time the ride turned. Poor kid, but he still enjoyed himself. I think that this was my favoirte ride! Tristons first score was 8,900 points. He did Awesome!
After Toy Story Mainia I wasn't feeling good, so we just sat down and decided to wait for the Water of Color show. We waited for a while, but it was worth it. We were sitting on the back side of the show, but it was good enough for me. Triston didn't watch much of it, we wore him out. He passed out before the show started, but Shara liked it.
After the show we decied to head back to the hotel, but on our way out there was music and a dancing area at the front of California adventures. So the kids decided to have fun and dance a while. Triston was hilarious, I don't know if we could call it dancing, but he was having a blast. I was to tired, so Katelyn joined in and danced a little. They were having so much fun! We danced for a while then we heading back to the Hotel. We had a busy but fun day.
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