I decided that I have been neglecting Triston to much s enough, so I decided he needed to spend some quality time with Me. On July 14th I decided to be brave and take the three little kids swimming at the Herriman Lake. They had so much fun playing! It was nice to see them have so much fun.

On July 23rd, my dad asked me if I would drive him up to Bountiful so he could march in the Bountiful days parade. So I took him, Shara and Triston up to Bountiful. We dropped my dad off at the beginning of the parade and then I drove down to the end of the parade. I didn't know what to expect, because I have never have been up to Bountiful Days. At the end of the parade there was a carnival. We ended up playing on the playground for a while before the parade finally made it down to the end. I decided to get the kids face painted, Triston got a Shark on his arm and Shara choose a beautiful butterfly. We ended up getting snow cones and headed over to the parade route. We waited for Grandpa to come and then we decided to play at the carnival.

The kids decided to go on the shark slide. We only paid for one time to go up, but Triston and Shara found ways to go up the slide multiple times. They had so much fun I had to prey them away to do another activity.

The kids ended up going over to the bouncy house to jump for a while. The pictures didn't turn out so good, but the kids had fun. We only had enough tickets to go on one more ride and the kids wanted to go on the swings. They were happy when they first got on, and luckily they had an extra seat belt to keep the kids in their seats, because Triston was terrified by the second time around. You can see the terror on his face. He hates to swing, I don't know why he wanted to go on it. Shara wasn't to thrilled about the swings either. We ended up heading back home after a potty brake and the kids passed out on the way home. It was a fun afternoon.

On July 24th Triston and I took my dad up to Salt Lake to march in the Pioneer parade. I haven't been to this parade for years. We ended up finding a place at the end of the parade and waited for my dad to come down the parade route. We ended up getting snow cones and sat to watch the parade. Luckily we only had one potty emergency. After my dad came down the parade route we ended up heading home. He was really tired, and it was starting to get really hot.

After we got home from the parade I asked Katelyn if she wanted to take the kids to the lake to have fun. It was really crowded, but the kids didn't care they still had fun in the sand and water. After the lake we went home and took a much needed nap. I didn't buy any fireworks, because I was scheduled to work, but I ended up getting cancelled. When Triston and I heard some fireworks going off I took him down the street and we watched the neighbors fireworks.

I love that I was able to feel better enough to spend time with my favorite little man! I love him so much!
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