Christmas Eve 2010 was spent and my Aunt Collette's house. We had a wonderful dinner and we had fun with the family. My sister and I decided to compared bellies, I am 38 weeks and Katelyn is 29 Weeks pregnant. Triston had fun playing with all his cousins and we had fun chatting with family.

Christmas Morning
Triston is not a morning person, so we had to wake him up to open presents. We woke up about 9 am and opened the presents Santa left. This year he got a Mickey Mouse activity book, a Buzz Lightyear scotor, Toy Story figurines, a digital camera, some books, a couple of games and some clothes. After he openned his presents we got ready for our annual family Chrismas party.
This year we had our family party at my little brother Alex's house. We ate a yummy breakfast and then we openned our presents. Triston always plays with Daxon's guns when he is over at my brother Sam's house so Sam and Mindy got Triston a battery operated nerf gun. He loved it! All though he lost his bullet within the 1st hour. He also got a Lightning McQueen Car. I wasn't feeling good so I left the party eairly. I went home and slept for a while. Triston and Chris stayed a little bit longer. All in All we had a fun Christmas. Now I am just waiting for my baby to come.