This year I decided to save a little money and let Triston be Buzz Lightyear again. Luckily he was ok with that. We have made it a tradition to go to my Dad's wards Trunk and Treat party. Aunt Mindy, Cash, Daxon, and Shara were able to come also. We ate chili and the kids had fun running around.
After they announced who won the Chili cook off. They had all the kids go up on stage to show off their costumes. Then we headed outside to go trunk or treating. It was a little cold, but they kids still had fun. Aunt Kate was able to come after work.
I was able to find some time to take Triston to the pumpkin patch. Unfortunately it was really muddy, but he still had fun climbing on the tractors. We tried to go through the little corn maze that they had, but it was to muddy for us. Triston had fun picking out his pumpkin, unfortunately it was the end of the season, so a lot of the pumpkins were rotten. So we had to pick a couple before we found a good one.
On Oct 30th we celebrated Halloween, this year I decided to let Triston carve his pumpkin. He is into Mickey Mouse this year and I bought a Mickey Mouse cookie jar and I decided to use that as a pattern. He didn't like scrapping out the seeds, because it was to slimy. He tried to help me cut out the face, but he didn't last that long, so I finished for him. He was very proud of his pumpkin. I think it turned out really cute. I decided to carve a spider on my pumpkin, and I will never do it again. My hand still hurts.
This was the first year that I didn't take Triston to the in laws, and I decided to finally hand out candy and take Triston out Trick-or-Treating done the street. He was very excited, until he got cold. The weather was not very cooperative. It was raining and very windy. Triston only made it down and around the street. He wanted me to carry him the whole time. I think that if I would have covered his ears he wouldn't have been so cold. I guess we will try it again next year.
I saw a cute pumpkin pizza on studio 5, so i decided to make my own dough and make my own. It actually turn out very cute and it tasted pretty good.

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