Introducing Hayden Kathryn Dent
Born January 7th 2011 at 5:11 pm.
She weighed 7 lb 6 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.

She was very stubborn and didn't want to come out early. I tried everything to induce labor. I finally scheduled an induction on January 7th and that is the day she came. The hospital called me at 9:24 am, which I missed, because I couldn't hear my phone. So I called them back and they asked me how soon could I get to the hospital. I told them I could be there in an hour, because I wasn't expecting to be called so soon. So I jumped into the shower and got dressed as quick as possible. Chris got Triston ready so we could take him to my Dad's house, and we were on our way.
We headed to the hospital a little after 11 am and ended up getting there at 11:30. We were taken back to the room after checking in and got ready to have a baby. We waited around for a while and then our nurse came in did her assessment, hooked me up to the heart and contraction monitor and then started my IV. She started the pitocin at 12:30 pm and checked my progress. She said I was 4 cm dilated, so all we had to do was a waiting game for the pitocin to work.
My sister in law Amie and my niece Taeler came to be in the room during labor. Unfortunately Sister-in-law Mindy and my Sister Katelyn couldn't be there. We waited for a couple of hours and it seemed like nothing was going to happen. I finally got up to relieve my bladder and by the time I got back in bed my contractions were very strong and painful. I was breathing through them and clutching onto the side rail.
I then opted to get my epidural before they broke my water. So I got my epidural at 4 p.m. and had my water broken at 4:10 p.m. which I was dilated at 6cm. I could still feel the contractions and I could feel pressure with my epidural which was different than with Triston. Anyways my doctor came in to see my progress, because he had another lady laboring at St Marks that was at the same stage as labor as I was. He said that the other lady was complete and starting to push and that he was going to head over there first. I asked him to check me before he left and I went from 6cm to 10cm in 20 minutes. He was in a dilemma, so we decided to wait for him to deliver the other lady and then come back to deliver my baby. So they decided to stop the pitocin and sit me up and wait for Dr Barney to come back.
Well Hayden wasn't going to wait, because with in 10 minutes of him leaving I had the resident and 3 other nurses rush into my room. The resident told me that we were going to start pushing. I was a little confused, but I figured that Hayden was being stubborn and wanted to come out NOW. The staff was getting everything ready and the resident was telling me to start pushing. I remember pushing 3 or 4 times and out she came. I was so shocked because she came out so fast.

Our New Family of Four

After she was born Chris went out to get Triston. He came into the room and got on the bed and said "Oh cute baby," then he told me: "Good job mom, good job!" He was so cute with her.
Hayden's Visitors

Grandpa Richard, Grandma Carol and Scott, Uncle Alex and Aunt Amie.
Uncle Sam, Aunt Mindy, Daxon, Cash and Shara. Aunt Katelyn and Grandpa Mike.
Aunt Pam and Great Grandma Swenson and of course her Big brother Triston!
She sure didn't like her first bath, but she loved getting her hair washed.
Typical girl!
We stayed in the hospital for two nights we took her home on January 9th 2011. I had the cutest outfit for her the only thing that looked funny was I forgot to bring socks.

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