Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sick baby!

Poor Triston, he woke up yesterday with a hacking cough, and it got worse during the day. So I took him to the doctor, they said that his has the beginning of bronchitis. They said to watch him for any signs of fever, difficulty breathing and diarrhea. They didn't even give me any antibiotics. What a waste of money. Well today he decided to spike a fever of 101.6 F and I noticed that his nose was stuff and he is having diarrhea. Well I called back with these new symptoms and they still said to give him tylenol and to keep watching his breathing. Poor kid he is so miserable. Well he finally feel asleep. I hope that he get better soon. Its so sad when your baby is sick. As for me I'm a little sleep deprived. I have worked the last 5-12hr night shifts out of the last 6 nights.


Angie said...

Cute blog! Tristan is such a cutie-hopefully he feels better soon!

The Simmons Family said...

Hey Tristan.. get better little buddy.

Penny... you get some SLEEP. Where are you nursing at?