Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Grandpa Swenson's Funeral

What a very long day and sad day. We started out going to my Grandpa Swenson's viewing at about 11 am then the funeral at about 12 pm. Except that some of my cousins were extremely late and the whole funeral was put on hold for about 20 minutes. I was so upset that they couldn't get to the funeral on time. I thought that it was very disrespectful to not just Grandpa, but to all those that came to his funeral.

My Dad gave the family prayer and my Brother Sam read his obituary and a poem. When the Bishop was announcing the program it was to my surprise that I was on the program. I was so post to direct a musical number for the grandchildren and great grandchildren to sing the song "Families Can Be Together Forever," except no one even told me that I was on the program and there was no practicing of this song with anyone in the family. Luckily I ended up getting out of it, my Aunt Pam announce that there was a change the program and we wanted the congregation to sing the song. I was so relieved, after I almost peed my pants! The funeral went really well, everyones talks were really good.

At the dedication of the grave site my grandpa had a Military honor ceremony,
which consisted of;

Folding of the flag

Presenting of the Flag to my Grandma

the military gun solute

the playing of the trumpet solo "Taps."

We also had the placing of roses on the casket in rememberence. It was a very touching and memerable funeral. I am glad that I have such a close family to help support each other in this time of need. I love them all so much. I also want to let my Grandma know how much I love her.

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