Saturday, June 13, 2009

What a Funky Rash!

Thursday night I was getting Triston ready for bed and I noticed a rash on his leg. It wasn't to bad. I went to get him some Benadryl, which I thought that it would help. Well the next day his rash got worse x3 all over his legs and arms and it started on his ears (weird huh). I ended up taking him in to the doctors and they stated that it could have been form the Amoxicillin. Chris is allergic to penicillin so he could be allergic. It finally went away by Sunday.

Triston's red swollen feet, it also went up his leg.

His hands were bright red and his rash was all over his left arm.

Rash on right arm.
I also noticed it on the outside portion of his ears. It was very weird.

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